Thursday, February 12, 2015

Intuit's Turbo Tax Foists Sneaky Move on Unsuspecting Customers

Turbo Tax Deluxe Users got a surprise this year. Intuit, the parent company of Turbo Tax, removed a bunch of forms related to business filing and has forced Deluxe users who need those forms to upgrade to their Home and Business Version. In previous years those forms were available in the Deluxe version. This upgrade costs $40, but when enough TT Deluxe users screamed about this, Intuit decided to offer a $25 rebate (thus still charging customers $15 for a forced upgrade). When enough customers screamed bloody murder about the insufficiency of TT's rebate, Intuit changed again and offered to upgrade previous year customers for free. The trouble is that while this free offer is trumpeted in the software, when I went to take advantage of the free offer Intuit asked for a credit card so they could charge me $40 plus tax. When does $40 plus equal free? This whole sorry episode is bait and switch. Bait and switch is illegal. Why is Intuit allowed to get away with this? I hope that some consumer advocate lawyers get a hold of this and sue Intuit into submission. This is not good business. This is not the way to treat loyal customers. This is bad from every angle.

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